Education and Faith Formation

The Education and Faith Formation Ministry provides opportunities for spiritual growth and nourishment through the study of God’s word, prayer and discernment for people of all ages.  This takes place in Sunday School classrooms, worship services, service projects, personal mediation, small group meetings and in our homes.

Some opportunities in Education and Faith Formation include but are not limited to:

Children's Sunday School

Our children's Sunday school is for all children Pre-K, ages 3 through 6th grade.

All children are welcome!

Children's Church Time

Join in on the fun of our Children's Church time. An adult will meet the children after the children's sermon and take them to the Children's room for age appropriate lessons and play. They will return before the beginning of communion.
If you are interested in volunteering for an occasional Sunday, please contact Kathy Hoinski or the church office.

Sunday School Service Project/Bake Sale

The Sunday school raised over $600 which allowed them to purchase from ELCA Good Gifts. Items purchased were a chick, a rooster, a set of honeybees, school supplies for a child, an environmentally friendly cookstove, send a woman to farming field school, provide a portion of an irrigation project, and provide nutrition for a child for one year.
Thank you for your generosity and support of our bake sale.

First Communion Instructions

Sundays, March 9th and 16th
11:30am after the second service
in Pastor Randy's office
This formal study of the sacrament is a class for ALL 5th graders, even if you are already taking communion. Please speak to Pastor Randy if you have any questions.


Confirmation meets with Pastor Randy on Sundays at 9:15am in the Confirmation Room.


We celebrated the confirmation of our youth on Reformaton Day.
Congratulations to Jack, Nathan, and Devin.

Adult Sunday School

Sundays at 9:15am in Chapelview Room
Who was Jesus?
February 16th & 23rd, March 2nd & 9th
Led by Pastor Randy

Ladies Bible Study

Fall 2024-we will use the Bible study that is in the ELCA women's magazine - Gather.
It will include the printed study from the their magazine plus a video option that can be used personally or in our groups. You can go online to and click on the bible study to view the video option.
We will continue to meet on the first Wednesday at 10am
and/or the first Thursday at 7pm

When we meet in February we will cover session one: Ruth & Naomi. Ruth chooses to remain part of Naomi's family, even after Naomi has lost everything, including her husband and sons. This intergenerational story of faithfulness during emptiness and sorrow helps us learn how to rely on God in bleak times.

Faithful Readers

Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 10:00am. All are welcome to join!  Click on the link below to view the book list of 2024-2025. Questions? Call Maureen Michal.

Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry

To view the recent presentation by Michael Sering, LMM’s VP of Housing & Shelter, click the link below.  He spoke about the shelter at 2100 Lakeside and the needs of their clients.   This was to kick off our week featuring our efforts on dealing with people who experience homelessness.  The collection of socks continues throughout October.

Taped Sunday Adult Classes

Join us Sunday mornings at 9:15 AM (September-May) for insight and discussion on a variety of topics which are led by Pastor Randy or a member of our congregation.

Pastor Randy led “The Acts of the Apostles” discussion and also created a “Basics of Faith” series.  Links are below.