Evangelism Ministry

Evangelism isn’t just about bringing people into our CRLC family, though certainly this is part of what it means to be an evangelist – finding those small, unexpected ways to tell people about Jesus or invite them to a church activity. But if we are to be true disciples, our evangelism should be about reaching out to those who might never walk through our doors. This is why evangelism is so intimately related to many other ministry areas, such as communications, education and serving.

Some opportunities in Evangelism include but are not limited to:

picture from the Monday yoga class at CRLC

YOGA Classes

Classes are on Monday evenings at 7pm and are led by Jenna Waltz.
Cost is a free will offering.
All are welcome to attend. Please invite your family and friends.

Interested in Joining the Church?

Please speak to Pastor Randy about joining the church. We are planning to welcome our newest members early this fall.

We welcome the following new members in our congregation:

Janet Snow, Lorraine & Henry Signore, Asher Pagan