Serving Ministry

The Serving Ministry coordinates and provides a variety of opportunities to serve others in Christ’s name.

Time and Talent Survey

Please complete and return your Time and Talent Survey to show us how you would like to be involved here at Christ the Redeemer.  Place in the offering plate or in the box in the Narthex by the Message Center. 

LMM Men's Shelter

We are collecting for the LMM Men’s Shelter at 2100 Lakeside.
With the recent extreme temperatures, warm and clean new/gently used
Gloves, Hats and Socks
are needed asap.
Place your items on the table in the Gathering Space.
Donations will be accepted through February.

Red Cross Bloodmobile

On Sunday, January 26th, we had 19 people attend the blood drive and 16 pints of blood collected.  Thank you for giving the gift of life!

Redeemer Crisis Center

We continue to collect food items for the crisis center. Most needed are:
lamps & lightbulbs
matching bed linens (bagged & size indicated)
16 qt. pots for rice
only chicken noodle soup in cans
tuna fish
peanut butter
personal hygiene items for men& women
toilet paper
hand held can openers

Bag filled with food and the words Food Donation written on the bag

South Hills Lend-A-Hand

We continue to collect food for the food pantry in Broadview Heights. They will provide an emergency supply of food, cleaning supplies and paper products to residents of Brecksville, Broadview Heights, Independence and Seven Hills who have lived in the community for at least six months, are employed, have a photo ID, and proof of income. They are located at the Broadview Heights Complex across from the police department. Distributions are on the third Saturday of the month from 9-10 AM. Volunteers are always needed for packing the bags prior to the distribution, and on distribution days. Call 440-526-0514 if you would like to help or need assistance.

Items that are needed to the most:
toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, personal items,
peanut butter,
shampoo, lotion, tooth paste, soap.
cleaning supplies, liquid detergent,
canned fruits, and vegetables,
tuna, soups, cereal, rice, pastas.

Please consider adding an item per week to your grocery list.
Donations can be placed on the shelves in the coat room.

Oasis Food Collection

Food items are needed for the OASIS ministry in Akron.  There are about 50 children in the program that need to be fed.  Items can be dropped off at church into the NEW donation area of the coat closet. During the month of October, we would like to highlight the need for healthy after-school snacks for the children OASIS partners with. Items suggested:
bags of small apples, clementines or oranges, fruit cups, granola or fruit bars,
and peanut butter or cheese crackers.

Used Cell Phones

Used cell phones are being collected to donate to the
Journey Center for Safety and Healing (formerly Domestic Violence Center).
There is a marked bag in the coat closet where you can place the phones.

Aluminum Pull-tabs

We are collecting for Ronald McDonald House charities.

Place them in the coat closet on the bottom shelf of the Lend-A-Hand shelf or in the container provided.

Lutheran Disaster Response

Donations are collected year round for Lutheran Disaster Response to aid in relief to people around the world affected by tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, and war.   Donations can be made on the website home page or click on the donate tab on the top.  Checks can also be written to CRLC and write LDR on the memo line and CRLC will send your donation to them.