Worship and Music
Worship matters in our church and lies at the heart of how we understand ourselves together. The Worship and Music Ministry oversees all aspects of worship: texts, ceremony, music, liturgical orders, and the nuts-and-bolts of who does what.
CRLC follows a three-year lectionary as the basis for hymn selections, prayers, confession texts, biblical lessons, etc. We also follow the church calendar, observing the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost.
CRLC also has contemporary worship elements interspersed throughout the year with regularity, but not lumped into one service each week. Several times a year we have “Ruah!”, a service planned with diverse elements (more-recently composed music, skits, film clips, conversation, images, projection, communion, prayers, etc.) that unite in a less-formal style to appeal to a variety of ages and people who are at different places on their journey as Christians.
Some opportunities in Worship and Music include but are not limited to:
- Greeter
- Usher
- Lay Reader
- Communion Assistant
- Acolyte (lights the candles)
- Altar Care
- Flower Committee
- Nursery Volunteer
- Choir Member
- Cantor (soloist who leads worship
- Instrumentalist
Worship Times
We worship
at 8am and 10:30am
with Sunday School at 9:15am for youth and adults.
Ecumenical Worship Service
Thursday, January 23rd at 7pm.
Join us for an Ecumenical Worship service during
the week of Prayer for Christian Unity as we celebrate the
1,700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea.
Children's Church Time
Our staffed Children's Church time has resumed. An adult will meet the children after the children's sermon and take them to the Children's room for age appropriate lessons and play. They will return before the beginning of communion.
If you are interested in volunteering for an occasional Sunday, please contact Kathy Hoinski or the church office.
Organ Concert Series
James Alfieri, our Music Director, will be putting together a concert series in 2025. If you would like to become a sponsor, please click on the link below for the form. Complete the form and place in the offering plate at church, or mail to the church.